Michael Grogan is a Performance Coach at Michael Grogan Movement, Melbourne CBD & South Yarra, Australia. He uses a combination of Gymnastic Strength, Advanced Mobility and Barbell Strength & Power exercises to achieve increased levels of performance and body composition with his clients. For more information follow him on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michaelgrogan_movement/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelGroganMovement and for enquiries contact [email protected]
Christmas time is coming, the perfect time to unwind and back off your traini…..What are you talking about!!! Don’t use a pre-determined, pre-defined holiday as a reason to stop continually improving and growing. Don’t use this time period to eat and sit around just because everyone else is doing it! You are your own ever-evolving light, not determined by the pre-conceptions of others….#deep
HOWEVER, I do realise there are certain challenges that come with this time of year; your gym may have a reduced class schedule or reduced closing hours which you cannot make. You may be on holiday overseas or your trainer may be away (ahem….not referring to anyone in particular here)….
THAT’S WHY I, along with MOUS Fitness, have put together the 21-Day CHRISTMAS MOVEMENT CHALLENGE – this is a 21 Day progressive program that can be done by anyone, anywhere, anytime (no equipment required)! This program will push your mobility, bodyweight strength and conditioning through the roof. You will come back from your Xmas Holidays leaner and stronger than when you left!
The program is only 21 minutes long and is to be performed DAILY over the xmas break. You will performance test yourself at the beginning and at the end of the challenge to see your improvements. The program is broken up into 3 sequences: mobility, strength and conditioning.
So here it is the 21-Day Christmas Movement Challenge. Post your progress to Instagram and Tag @MichaelGrogan_Movement the pic & post and the most improved mover will receive a MOUS FITNESS BOTTLE.
The program is simple in application:
· Start the program any date in December and complete for 21 Days Consecutively from that date, I will be beginning the challenge from the 20th of December so feel free to join me then 🙂
· Start a clock counting up to 21mins
· Start a new exercise on the minute every minute (EMOM)
· Each minute has an exercise attached to it (see below)
· Complete the exercise before the minute ends or move to the next exercise if not completed within the minute.
· 21mins total – then get back into the Xmas festivities
Instagram Posting Guide:
1. Each day post a video or photo of your favourite exercise from the challenge
2. Use the Hashtag #MGMOVEMENTCHALLENGE on your posts to check out fellow challenge members exercises
3. Follow & Tag @michaelgrogan_movement & @mousfitness_ in each post to be eligible for prizes.
4. Host will post a daily videos and photos to help you throughout the challenge.
5. Get creative with your posts to show your progress and improvements over the 21 days
The 21-Day Christmas Movement Challenge Daily Program:
YouTube Video demonstrating the entire workout at the bottom
1. Mobility – 6mins (6 sets total)
Minute 0 & 3: Resting Squat – up to 50secs
Minute 1 & 4: Seated Straddle – 50secs/minumum 10 slow pushes
Minute 2 & 5: Reverse Plank – up to 50secs
2. Strength – 9mins (9 sets total)
Minute 6 & 9 & 12: Pistol Squat (regression if required) – 4 reps each side
Minute 7 & 10 & 13: Hindu Push Up (regress to knees if required)– 5 reps
Minute 8 & 11 & 14: Active Hollow Hold – up to 50secs
3. Conditioning – 6mins (6 sets total)
Minute 15 & 18: Max Burpee To Target – AMRAP
Minute 16 & 19: Wall Walks – AMRAP
Minute 17 & 20: Wall Facing Hold – up to 50sec & Max Hold on 20th min (record your time each day)
To Conclude:
So why should I do this again? Complete this program daily for 21 Days and your mobility; bodyweight strength and conditioning will go through the roof! You will come back from your Xmas holidays stronger and leaner than when you left due to your commitment to your daily practice!
Don’t forget to post your progress (see the posting guide) to Instagram to be in with a chance to win the Mous Fitness Bottle.
Michael Grogan – Performance Coach at Michael Grogan Movement Melbourne CBD & South Yarra, Australia.
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